Sunday, March 31, 2013

Stop Treating the Symptoms of Acne and Start Treating the Root of the Problem!

    For years we have been taught to treat the symptoms of acne by using products that only help the pimples go away faster, but don’t really prevent them from coming back. Even worse many of those solutions are damaging to the skin, because of their chemical contents. In reality skin problems are never just problems with your skin. If you are experiencing acne it is very possible that you are having problems with your overall health. It might be your diet, or maybe you lifestyle, one thing’s for sure- using the traditional solutions is not enough. You need something that can tackle the overall health issues that lead to acne and it’s symptoms in a natural way.

Let’s have a look at the variety of causes for acne that are not related to your skin
• First of all- your diet. A diet that will help you against acne is one that is rich in protein, healthy fats, minerals and vitamins and poor in simple carbs.
• Abuse of alcohol, drugs and certain medications
• Smoking
• Poor blood circulation- if your blood doesn’t circulate optimally, it’s not going to bring all the nutrients to your skin
• Changes in your hormonal levels
• Stress
So from what we see here we can understand that your lifestyle is the key to having a healthy and acne-free skin. Unfortunately changing your lifestyle dramatically is much easier said than done. It is obvious that no one wants to have a bad diet, stress or drugs in his life. What’s even more unfortunate is the fact that most you are the one that needs to make the choice to live clean and healthy. No one can do this for you! So? What is it? If you decided to choose the healthy life, I sincerely applaud you, because the path you chose is the much harder one, but it also brings an amazing variety of rewards. You will feel and look better. Not only your appearance will improve, but also your confidence and general health.
I said that you have to do this on your own. However, this doesn’t mean that you can’t aid yourself. There are solutions out there, that unlike the creams I spoke of earlier in this post, are able to attack the causes that are not associated with your skin. Maybe there are many of them, but the one I know of and recommend is the Clear Pores 3 way system. It consists of 3 things – a deep facial wash, a protection cream and most importantly a herbal supplement! This is what sets it apart from the products I was telling you about, and this is what helps you treat the problem in its roots.
This supplement’s ingredient list consists of 100% natural herbs which include dandelion, aloe vera, cayenne, Echinacea, atlantic kelp, licorice root and others. These ingredients make sure that acne and infections are cured and prevented in the future, and also heal your skin’s longer term damages from acne and restore its smooth texture and glow
Another reason I recommend this product is purely practical. If for whatever reason you decide that you want your money back there is a 90 day money back guarantee. I personally don’t think that it will come to this, but it is always gut to know you have it, right?
If you are interested in reading a much more detailed information about the Clear Pores system (including reviews from health care professionals, success stories and full lists of ingredients) just click here!
I hope that with this post you were able to understand that it is not enough to just treat the symptoms of acne, we need to fight it at its roots! Changing your lifestyle IS hard, but it all comes down to the question “how bad do you want it?” How bad do you want to look and feel great, and to have an overall improvement in your health? Good luck on whichever path you have chosen!


  1. Unfortunately for some people all the healthy living and clean eating in the world won't stop the acne. Genetics does play a big role in getting acne breakouts and for some topical products is the only way to control the acne.
