Sunday, March 31, 2013

What is The Link Between Your Joint Pain and The Weather?

  While some people need to check the forecast daily, others just know if a storm is coming by the severe pain in their joints
Joint pain is caused by a number of factors including the most popular- arthritis. A term describing over 100 different types of chronic joint inflammations that occur for a variety of factors. This condition is known for damaging a substance in your body called cartilage which is responsible for absorbing the movement. In some people it is so damaged that when they move, their bones actually rub against each other.
Now that you know what arthritis is, you might find interesting that there is a link between this condition and the weather. Many patients and doctors report that joint pain and other symptoms of the condition are much stronger right before a storms or changes in the atmosphere.

  So what is the link ?
Since ancient times there has been a belief that joint pain and other conditions in the body are strongly connected to the weather. People knew a link existed, they just didn’t know what it was. However modern science has a theory that might explain this. According to it it’s caused by barometric pressure. As you probably guessed by the name- this is a pressure exerted by air and it often drops right before storms or other changes in the atmosphere. Scientist believe that this drop causes the tissues around the joints to swell thus triggering flare-up of arthritic symptoms.
The first evidence supporting this barometric pressure theory date from the 1960s, when a group of patients suffering from arthritis were isolated in a chamber. In this chamber barometric pressure was gradually decreased and humidity raised. The result that the patients suffered were pain and swelling around the joints.
Now that we know what the link between joint pain and the change in weather is, maybe it’s time to look at a way to manage the flare-ups, right?

A Natural Way to Manage Joint Pain
There are a number of naturally occurring in the body compounds that may answer everyone suffering from joint pain’s prayers. The most important of these compounds occur in the cartilage and are called glucosamine and chondroitin. The bad news is that as you age, you start to lose those compounds and unfortunately they cannot be gained through food.
Many studies show that patients who take supplements containing glucosamine and chondroitin experience a great improvement in their arthritis symptoms and had their joints lubricated and protected by the enzymes known to destroy the cartilage.
There is another reason to prefer natural joint relief supplements- the fact that other so called “traditional” joint relief medications, which include cox-2 inhibitors and NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) are connected to many dangerous side effects that include gastrointestinal bleeding, stroke and heart attack, and are therefore not recommended for a long-term use.
Studies have shown that joint relief pain can also become a fact with the help of willow bark extract, which is found in joint relief solution. Also other studies show that a reduced loss of cartilage can be achieved with avocado soybean unsaponifiables,

Up to 1 in every 3 Americans live with a chronic joint pain, and every time there are changes in the atmosphere this condition gets harder and harder to bare. While it is impossible to control the weather you may still find a natural and healthy way to relief your pains.
Quite frankly, the best thing you can do may simply be to try a natural treatment for arthritis with a joint relief supplement that contains glucosamine and chondroitin. As mentioned above studies show that these two compounds reduce joint pain, and may also defend your cartilage and offer greater mobility. That’s more than many of the traditional arthritis medications offer, and probably much safer as well.
Give Joint Relief Solution a chance. It is a mix of natural ingredients, which include the very important substances chondroitin and glucosamine, it’s formula also includes willow bark extract. You may be surprised (as was I) from the fact that willow bark contains the same active ingredient as aspirin, and shows great improvement in terms of the pain symptoms, without having to rely on other anti-inflammatory drugs.
For more information on joint relief solution- click here!

Stop the Hunger Cravings, Resist Temptation and Start Losing Weight in 7 Days

   Are you constantly switching from diet to diet only to end each one with a massive binge? You know how it goes. At first you are extremely serious and motivated until the point where hunger cravings hit. You try your best to resist, but it seems like the whole world is against you. Everybody around is enjoying an unhealthy but delicious snack. At this point your stomach is grumbling and your mind starts to convince you that is okay, you can have junk food today, after all you’ve been a on your diet for the last few days, right? And before you know it you are eating large amounts of chocolate, ice cream or whatever your Achilles heel may be. To be honest, many of us have that problem. We can’t all have that amazing willpower to resist every temptation that comes our way, especially when it comes to food. Not many people know this- unhealthy food is ADDICTIVE. That’s why we crave it, that’s why we binge and that’s why our mind plays tricks on us. Because once you’ve had it you need it! If there are no cravings and stomach grumbling we would all be sticking to our diets, and probably we would all look like super models, but that’s a different story. The question at hand is- what to do when hunger strikes?

   As I said foods tend to be addictive- especially ingredients like sugar and salt. And as with any addiction it is almost impossible to take care of it on your own. One thing you can do is have all your friends and family know how serious you are about your diet. This way they might actually consider this when shopping, deciding what to have for dinner or by also trying to eat healthy so they can encourage you. However, many years of experience show that unless you have the greatest family and friends in the world, that’s not going to work in the long run. In time they will be back to their old lifestyle and you might be in trouble (unless you had enough time to get rid of the junk food addiction).

  You could also try to get rid of all the temptations in your everyday life- make sure there is nothing you crave in your house, workplace or wherever you go. Unfortunately, the truth is, that one day (pretty soon actually) you will have to face temptation, and if your only means of fighting it was just keeping it away from you, you will be setting yourself for disaster!
Another choice is suppressing your appetite. And I don’t mean complete suppression, where you stop eating and become anorexic. What I mean is suppressing those craving in between your meals. Because it is not your regular healthy meals that kill your diet- it is those cravings in between. Today appetite suppression is possible thanks to a variety of natural supplements. The one I personally recommend is Paleo Fat Burner.

Let me tell you why I recommend this specific herbal supplement. First of all this weight loss system designed to help you during the dark hours of temptation and cravings is herbalist and doctor.
The secret behind Paleo Fat Burner is Hoodia Gordonii – a plant that grows naturally in South Africa and Namibia. It is a 100% safe ingredient, used by the indigenous people in Africa to suppress their appetite during the long hunting trips. Today this plant has been studied and cultivated so you can take advantage of it.
Paleo Fat Burner  will aid you in the hard battle with food addiction and help stick to your diet and meal schedule. It is simple and easy to use. All you need to do is take a pill at every meal time and you will get the much deserved boost. Hoodia Gordonii and all of the other natural ingredients found in the proshape system have been medically researched and endorsed. They have no negative side effects and the results will astound you and everyone you know!
The great thing about this supplement is that it doesn’t need time to “kick in”. You start feeling and seeing the results immediately. No cravings, no temptations, no addictions. Can you imagine how good you are going to feel if you actually stick to your diet. And from my experience, a really GOOD diet takes only up to 7 days before you can see results (sometimes even less). Another good feature of the product is that there is no risk involved because of the 30 day money back guarantee. If you don’t like it, you just send it back. So there is no way you can make any more excuses. Get your trial now and see results by next week. You are going feel better and be well on your way to your new healthier and slimmer self!
For more information, go to Paleo Fat Burner.

The Fat Loss Factor

Have you ever wanted to lose weight, but keep your favorite meals in your menu? Dr. Charles has made a revolutionary breakthrough, guaranteeing that anyone with the right mindset can lose weight without:

- Starving yourself to death
- Spending too much time at the gym
- Counting calories and strict diet plans.
- Any sort of diet pills, surgery or “miraculous fat-burning shakes”
Both men and women can benefit from this weight loss program, which has been spelled out so well, that anyone can understand it and use it. The key here is “Work smart, not hard”.

The Fat Loss Factor  program covers several easy-to-use components that will help you take on the right approach for your weight-loss plan, giving you the opportunity to still enjoy your favorite “bad” foods in moderation, while losing weight. Here’s a quick recap of the steps, which this e-book will take you trough:
Step 1 covers all you need to know about cleansing your body. Your liver is the main target here, due to the fact that the liver is responsible for digesting the fat cells and toxins, which you intake on a daily basis. Without your liver doing its job you’re bound to fail in all attempts to lose weight, even gain more! With this step you will understand which foodstuffs contain enzymes that will literally pull out the clogged toxins and fat cells in your liver and bring your liver back to 100%, giving your metabolism a much needed boost.

Step 2 covers all the specific fat burning foods that you can eat and all the unhealthy ones that you can still enjoy in moderation. Also this step covers all the needed delicious and healthy meals that you will be able to eat, without spending a fortune. That’s right, it’s neither expensive nor unpleasant to eat right.

Step 3 explains why you shouldn’t do all that excess cardio, like most “experts” teach you. Remember, that overdoing cardio can stress your body and can make you lose muscle mass. Increase your fat loss, without beating yourself up at the gym. Even if you do 15 minute sessions three times a week it will still be enough!

Step 4 will most likely shock you. It’s the real reason why all the so-called “diets” eventually fail and the reason why  The Fat Loss Factor can’t.

After completing these 4 simple steps you will be on your way to being not only fit, but healthy.

Check what other surprises are included in this e-book, by clicking the link below. Satisfaction is guaranteed.

Why Do We Have Stretch Marks And How To Treat Them

Stretch Mark Treatment

   Like it or not, most of the things we do or happen to us in our lives affect our skin. Getting older? You probably have wrinkles. Spending too much time in the sun? You probably have sun spots. Not keeping your skin clean? You probably your skin pores clogged. Okay, you get the picture. So what causes stretch marks?

Stretch marks can happen for a number of reasons, the most popular being pregnancy. However stretch marks might also occur in periods of rapid growth, weight gain, weight loss or during some medical conditions. In fact it can even occur during weight-lifting!
Another very unfortunate fact is that they tend to appear in places worshiped by many. Places like the breasts, thighs, hips and buttocks are among the sexiest parts of the human body. And in the summer, when most cloths are off, it really sucks to have something as ugly and detrimental to your confidence as stretch marks.

What Is The Reason for Stretch Marks
Unlike most people think, the main reason for stretch marks is not the skin being stretched too much (although it is also a big reason). The number one reason is the secretion of a hormone called glucocorticoid during some events of our lives (pregnancy for example). What this hormone does is to prevent the collagen and elastin fibroblasts that the skin need to be healthy and tight.
Losing those supportive proteins has a terrible effect on your skin, causing a separation in the deeper layers, resulting in red striations that turn into the notorious stretch marks.
Fortunately there are treatments that can prevent stretch marks from forming, and also reduce the ones that are already formed
Let us review a few of the most popular stretch mark treatments.

One of the most popular ways to treat stretch marks is by surgery. This form of treatment includes chemical peels, laser surgery and dermabrasion.
• Chemical peeling is the process of removing the top layers of skin with the use of strong chemicals. It takes several months to over a year of consistent treatment. Most often this results in a fade of the stretch marks
• Laser surgery is done by having a ray of light go in to the skin dermis and interrupt the particles of the scar tissue. This will cause the tissue to degenerate and fade away and in time to be replaced by healthy tissue. Normally every session of this costs between $400-$1500.
• Dermabrasion works by having a device put crystals on your skin, than the area is polished with the use of a wand. This should make your skin smoother and fade your stretch marks. However, this sort of treatment can lead to uneven changes in skin color, infection and the formation of scars.
As you can see the results of these treatments can vary, can be costly and can cause some side effects. Unfortunately these treatments are rarely covered by insurance plans.
You can also try preventing and reducing stretch marks with a healthy diet containing lots of vitamin A, C, zinc and protein. Also make sure you get enough healthy fats from nuts and fish. These are foods that your skin loves and will be a benefit for your skin’s health.
Another solution is the use of creams. I personally am a fan of the natural creams that have all the right ingredients for a healthy, side effect  free and successful treatment of stretch marks. The product I would recommend to all of my friends and readers is  Skinception Intensive Stretch Mark Therapy

 Let me tell you why I believe in this exact product.
Recent clinical studies show that 13 women, with stretch marks caused by pregnancy, who applied a 2% concentration of Regestril ( an active ingredient in Skinception) on the stretched areas showed an amazing 72.5% reduction in the depth of the stretch marks and a 52% reduction in their length! Although this is a good enough reason, there is more.
Another ingredient in the product is, Pro-Coll-One+, stimulated the production of collagen by more than 1100% when applied in a 2% concentration in a 56 day separate study. 78% per cent of study participants showed a remarkable improvement in skin smoothness, which improved by up to 10%.
All of those and a few more factors convinced me that this might actually be the best stretch mark treatment out there.
For more information on  Skinception Intensive Stretch Mark Therapy – click here

Good Night Sleep is More Important Than You Think! – Studies connect Insomnia to Heart Problems

• Psychological problems like stress, depression, etc.

Some of the causes for insomnia are:

   Nowadays many people experience sleeping disorders that can lead to a miserable mood and lack of energy. However, studies show that there might be much scarier consequences to the lack of sleep. According to a Norwegian study there is a link between heart attacks and insomnia.

What’s Insomnia Anyway?
Insomnia is a term used to describe problems related with your sleep. They include having trouble falling asleep, waking up in the middle of the night or just having a low quality sleep that doesn’t really refresh you.
• abuse of drugs, alcohol and certain medicines like anti-depressants, blood pressure medications, allergy medications and other
• Shifts in your hormonal levels during different events of your life like menstruation for example
• Medical conditions like certain types of tumor, heart problems, chronic fatigue syndrome and others
• And last but not least factors like a noisy surrounding, uncomfortable bed, etc.
The National Sleep Foundation found out, after conducting a pool, that a shocking 63% of the USA’s population suffers from insomnia! But what exactly could the consequences for over half of the Americans be?
As the study conducted in Norway suggests, there are much scarier things that insomnia can cause than feeling tired in the morning. Not that this isn’t a pain in the a** but an increased risk of heart attack is something much more serious.
How much did insomnia increase the risk of heart attack?
The study I mentioned above had 50 thousand adult Norwegians participants. Shockingly, in the next 11 years over 2000 of them had their first heart attacks.
The study shows that the people who had trouble falling asleep were 45% more prone to heart attacks. Respondents who had a hard time remaining asleep and kept waking up during the night had an increase in the risk by 30%. And those who woke up tired and groggy had a 27% increased risk of heart attacks.

All of this means that we really need to improve the quality of our sleep
Of course, this sounds pretty obvious and unfortunately easier said than done. So how do we do it?
• The first thing you need to do is to stop worrying about you lack of sleep. It is proven that the more you think about insomnia, the worst it gets.
• Next you can have a look at your diet. Are you eating healthy? And also, and this is very important, do you eat foods that are high in calories before going to bed?
• Be careful with what you drink. You shouldn’t drink coffee, sodas that contain caffeine, green or black tea (cause they also contain caffeine) or alcohol prior to going to bed. There is a big misconception that drinking helps you fall asleep. That is kind of true, however, it prevents you from going in to the important DEEP state of sleep.
• Try a natural, herbal sleep aids ( more on that later )
• Create a pattern. One of the most important things is having a patter for you to get used to. If you keep going to bed at different time, your organism will get confused and you will end up with… you guessed it- insomnia
• Working out also leads to improvement. So make sure you work out at least 3 times a week

Natural sleep aids
By natural sleep aids I mean the ones that unlike sleeping pills are made out of all natural ingredients that are known to not form a habit. Insomnia can be very persistent and sometime, no matter how healthy your lifestyle is, it just won’t go away. That’s when we turn to nature for some help. Such a natural sleep aid is  Apnea.
Alteril contains some of the best known herbal sleep aids you can find. Among them are chamomile, valerian root, lemon balm and most importantly melatonin, tryptophan and theanine.
Unlike sleeping pills, which are habit-forming, Apnea  is a natural sleep aid, consisting of some of the best-known herbal sleep aids out there, including melatonin, valerian root, chamomile and lemon balm. And, notably, tryptophan and theanine.
All of these ingredients you fight not only insomnia directly, but also help you keep your mind at ease by knowing that even if you are having a hard time falling asleep you can always turn to your sleeping aid. And as I said, the less you think about insomnia, the better your sleep will be
To learn more about the benefits Apnea will provide you with, click here <–
That’s all for now folks, thanks for reading and sleep well!

Stop Treating the Symptoms of Acne and Start Treating the Root of the Problem!

    For years we have been taught to treat the symptoms of acne by using products that only help the pimples go away faster, but don’t really prevent them from coming back. Even worse many of those solutions are damaging to the skin, because of their chemical contents. In reality skin problems are never just problems with your skin. If you are experiencing acne it is very possible that you are having problems with your overall health. It might be your diet, or maybe you lifestyle, one thing’s for sure- using the traditional solutions is not enough. You need something that can tackle the overall health issues that lead to acne and it’s symptoms in a natural way.

Let’s have a look at the variety of causes for acne that are not related to your skin
• First of all- your diet. A diet that will help you against acne is one that is rich in protein, healthy fats, minerals and vitamins and poor in simple carbs.
• Abuse of alcohol, drugs and certain medications
• Smoking
• Poor blood circulation- if your blood doesn’t circulate optimally, it’s not going to bring all the nutrients to your skin
• Changes in your hormonal levels
• Stress
So from what we see here we can understand that your lifestyle is the key to having a healthy and acne-free skin. Unfortunately changing your lifestyle dramatically is much easier said than done. It is obvious that no one wants to have a bad diet, stress or drugs in his life. What’s even more unfortunate is the fact that most you are the one that needs to make the choice to live clean and healthy. No one can do this for you! So? What is it? If you decided to choose the healthy life, I sincerely applaud you, because the path you chose is the much harder one, but it also brings an amazing variety of rewards. You will feel and look better. Not only your appearance will improve, but also your confidence and general health.
I said that you have to do this on your own. However, this doesn’t mean that you can’t aid yourself. There are solutions out there, that unlike the creams I spoke of earlier in this post, are able to attack the causes that are not associated with your skin. Maybe there are many of them, but the one I know of and recommend is the Clear Pores 3 way system. It consists of 3 things – a deep facial wash, a protection cream and most importantly a herbal supplement! This is what sets it apart from the products I was telling you about, and this is what helps you treat the problem in its roots.
This supplement’s ingredient list consists of 100% natural herbs which include dandelion, aloe vera, cayenne, Echinacea, atlantic kelp, licorice root and others. These ingredients make sure that acne and infections are cured and prevented in the future, and also heal your skin’s longer term damages from acne and restore its smooth texture and glow
Another reason I recommend this product is purely practical. If for whatever reason you decide that you want your money back there is a 90 day money back guarantee. I personally don’t think that it will come to this, but it is always gut to know you have it, right?
If you are interested in reading a much more detailed information about the Clear Pores system (including reviews from health care professionals, success stories and full lists of ingredients) just click here!
I hope that with this post you were able to understand that it is not enough to just treat the symptoms of acne, we need to fight it at its roots! Changing your lifestyle IS hard, but it all comes down to the question “how bad do you want it?” How bad do you want to look and feel great, and to have an overall improvement in your health? Good luck on whichever path you have chosen!